Welcome back to 'The Great Branding and Messaging Scavenger Hunt'. Every month I try to find unique examples of businesses doing exceptional things with their brand and message. This month we have an absolute treat on our hands! This is a great example of how to be an underdog in your industry!

If you ever have to be a newcomer in an established product category you will quickly learn that the 'establishment' has more money, resources, and distribution than you. If you simply emulate what they are doing successfully it will most likely not be successful for you. Sometimes all you need to step on Goliath's toes is David's sling and a stone. In this case, small paintbrush maker Poilu (France) understood how to make their product more engaging by creatively using the standard (and cost effective) packaging for a paintbrush.
BRANDING CONCEPTS: Product category disruption. Being more than just a product. Using what you got to make an impact.
NOTE: This is not one of my clients, I just like to help inspire fresh ideas for your business by pointing out what others are doing in this great big world.